Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Meeting My Student Teacher

This week is supposed to be a "staycation" for the hubby and me, but we didn't end up going to Colorado for various reasons.  Instead we've been going to the movies, swimming, and generally checking out new things in town.  "Town" being a good half-hour away, it kind of becomes an all-day adventure!

Today, we didn't go out and do much.  I had a lunch date with my fabulous, awesome student teacher for the fall.  She and I got to chat and get to know each other and I think this year is going to be really great having her in my room.  I did have to warn her that "my room" is kind of non-existent right now due to construction at the high school.  But no worries and fingers crossed that it is finished by August!

To help my new student teacher feel loved and welcome, I created her a little binder.  I went to Target and found a cute little binder similar to this one:
Then I bought some tab dividers so she could figure out how to break up the sections of her binder.  I *almost* did this for her, as I have a bit of a need to control everything, but I figured that she's a big girl and can do that herself! :)

Then I tucked into the back flap a school calendar, this letter to first year teachers, a weekly lesson plan helper, and a "week at a glance" planner.  Thanks to Stephanie at Eat. Write. Teach. for the awesome ideas in her blog!

The ST (as I will now refer to her because I am lazy) and I talked about our personal lives and I didn't go into much about my classroom, as I figured that could come out later.  I was a mentor to a first-year teacher last year, so I will probably use a lot of the materials from that to help me guide those later discussions.

But I need help.  What things would a ST need to know before coming in for beginning of the year meetings?  Anything I should give her a heads-up about?  We already talked about dress code.  Anything else?

--Mrs. Teacher Ma'am

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